James Mcdonald » Profile


Hello and welcome!  My name is Andrew McDonald (Mr. Mac).  I am excited to be your child's teacher and I look forward to a wonderful school year. First grade is a great place to learn and explore new things. My classroom name is "The Makers" or "Mac's Makers." In our classroom we will do lots of fun and cool things like Sphero's Lego robots, Beebots, drones, 3-D printers and more. '
  • University of Tn. Bachelor's of Science in Human Ecology 2003
  • University of Tn. Master's of Science in Human Ecology 2004
  • Lincoln Memorial University Educational Specialist in Curriculum and Instruction 2018
About Me:
Over my years of teaching I have been in Pre K, First, Third, and Fourth grades.  Teaching younger children has always been a passion of mine.  I have taught across the world in Bangkok, Thailand at two different international schools.  My travels took me to Oak Ridge and now I am loving being a member of the Alcoa Community.  STEM projects are my favorite part of First Grade.