
Welcome to AES Music! What's it all about?
I love all music! Seriously! Whether it's rock, rap, country, or even Italian opera, I believe all types of music have value. No matter what this year looks like, we are TORNADOES and we are gonna have a blast. Come with an open mind and be ready to sing, play, dance, and maybe even discover something new. I can't wait to share music with you this year!

Kindergarten | 1st Grade | 2nd Grade |
1st Nine Weeks Lesson 1: Welcome to Music! Lesson 2: Beat Lesson 3: Steady Beat Lesson 4: 4 Voices Lesson 5: 4 Voices II Lesson 6: First Performance Lesson 7: Rhythm Lesson 8: Beat or Rhythm Lesson 9: Sing, Play, Move |
1st Nine Weeks Lesson 1: Welcome to Music! Lesson 2: Steady Beat Lesson 3: Strong/Weak Beat Lesson 4: Meter 2 & 4 Lesson 5: Meter of 3 Lesson 6: Changing Meters Lesson 7: Practice Rhythm Lesson 8: Sing, Play, Move Lesson 9: Austin Otto |
1st Nine Weeks Lesson 1: Welcome to Music! Lesson 2: Steady Beat Lesson 3: Strong/Weak Beat Lesson 4: 2/4 & 4/4 Lesson 5: 3/4 Lesson 6: Identifying Meters Lesson 7: Beat Against 2 Lesson 8: Sing, Play, Move 2 Lesson 9: Ostinatos 2 |
2nd Nine Weeks Lesson 1: High & Low Lesson 2: High & Low II Lesson 3: Pitches & Singing Lesson 4: Up & Down Lesson 5: Sing Up & Down Lesson 6: Sing It! Lesson 7: Patterns of 2 Lesson 8: Patterns of 3 Lesson 9: Patterns of 4 |
2nd Nine Weeks Lesson 1: 4 Voices Lesson 2: My Voice Lesson 3: Sing and Breathe Lesson 4: Lines and Spaces Lesson 5: Treble Clef Lesson 6: Pitches & Interval Lesson 7: Melodic Direction Lesson 8: Melody Lesson 9: Song |
2nd Nine Weeks Lesson 1: My Voice Lesson 2: Sing Solfege Lesson 3: Partner Songs Lesson 4: Melodic Direction Lesson 5: Melodic Phrases Lesson 6: Pentatonic Scale Lesson 7: Baroque Period Lesson 8: Baroque Music Lesson 9: Baroque Musicians |
3rd Nine Weeks Lesson 1: Instrument Groups Lesson 2: WW & Brass Lesson 3: Perc. & Strings Lesson 4: Loud & Soft Lesson 5: Sing Loud & Soft Lesson 6: Play Loud & Soft Lesson 7: Tempo Lesson 8: Fast or Slow? Lesson 9: Tempo Changes |
3rd Nine Weeks Lesson 1: Sounds and Rests Lesson 2: Notes and Rests Lesson 3: Pitch & Rhythm Lesson 4: 3 Basic Tempos Lesson 5: Best Tempo Lesson 6: Faster/Slower Lesson 7: Loud and Soft Lesson 8: Loud and Soft II Lesson 9: Dynamics |
3rd Nine Weeks Lesson 1: Note Durations Lesson 2: Accents Lesson 3: Write Notes/Rests Lesson 4: “issimo” Lesson 5: < & > Lesson 6: Dynamics II Lesson 7: Instruments Lesson 8: Brass Family Lesson 9: Science of Sound |
4th Nine Weeks Lesson 1: Long/Short Sounds Lesson 2: L/S Sounds II Lesson 3: Move L/S Sounds Lesson 4: Found Sounds Lesson 5: Sing/Voice, Timbre Lesson 6: WW & Perc. Lesson 7: Activity Review Lesson 8: Assessment Lesson 9: Music Fun |
4th Nine Weeks Lesson 1: String Family Lesson 2: Percussion Lesson 3: Classroom Perc. Lesson 4: AB Form Lesson 5: ABA Form Lesson 6: Repeat Sign Lesson 7: Activity Review Lesson 8: Assessment Lesson 9: Music Fun |
4th Nine Weeks Lesson 1: Compose Rhythm Lesson 2: Compose Melody Lesson 3: Compose Lyrics Lesson 4: AB Form/Repeat Lesson 5: ABA Form Lesson 6: ABACA Form Lesson 7: Activity Review Lesson 8: Assessment Lesson 9: Music Fun |
Download and Print K Syllabus | Download and Print 1st Syllabus | Download and Print 2nd Syllabus |