AES families…Have you started on your calendars yet?!

AES families…Have you started on your calendars yet?!

You should! Your child has the opportunity to win TWO incentives:
🤩Fill 15 squares and come to the GLOW party!
🥧Fill the whole calendar and not only join us for the Glow Party, but PIE A TEACHER!

Here’s how it works:
1️⃣ Have family/friends pick their favorite date/number on the calendar
2️⃣ Write their name on the date/number chosen
3️⃣ Ask them to donate that amount to AES PTO (ex. If they choose number 23, they donate $23!)

AES PTO will take cash, check, OR Venmo! All checks must be payable to "AES PTO". If donating via Venmo, you must do the following so we know what it's for and can keep track of the donation:
➡️ In the "What's it for" space, have them use this format:
"AES Calendar Fundraiser" Student's First Name and Last Name. Teacher.
(EXAMPLE: AES Calendar Fundraiser. John Doe. Dr. Pendergraft.)

All calendars and payments are due on or before ✨ AUGUST 24th✨