MEDICAL ALERT - New Changes in Medical Care Provided at School

In light of the COVID pandemic we wanted to make you aware of changes made to the medical care provided in the school clinics.  The first change is with over the counter medications.  We will no longer provide Tylenol, ibuprofen, or other over the counter medications to students from a clinic supply. If your students will need these medications you can supply a bottle to their school nurse to be kept in the clinic for that student’s use only. Students are not allowed to carry medications on their person. 


The second change is with drop off of needed emergency or daily scheduled medications. In order to limit the number of people in the building, a parent or guardian must make an appointment, with the respective school nurse, to drop off inhalers, epi-pens, diastat, or scheduled medications. Again students may not carry these medications on their person, even for drop offs.  If you have any questions please call your respective school nurse.